
Sabtu, 26 November 2016

Paper Bee

Paper Bahasa Inggris Bee


 A. Introduction

Scientific classification of honey bee:

Kingddom        : Animalia
Phylum            : Antropoda
Class               : insekta
Ordo                : hymenoptera
Family             : apidae
Genus             : Apis

     B. History of honey bee
               Honey bees have been known by humans several thousand years ago. Bee keeping is known today comes from the Mediterranean region (North Africa, Southern Europe and Asia Minor) which then spread to all regions of the world. Ancient Egyptians made a funnel of clay as a beehive, then from wicker baskets. African honey bees reared in cylindrical chunks of wood and nests were hung from trees.
               The Russians are the developers of modern bee keeping, Russia often referred to as the land area of honey. Russia began to develop a honey farm since the 10th century is now production already in large scale. In 1775-1850 Peter Prokovich from Russia, found the beehive making system that can be moved, this technique is now widely used by beekeepers modern. In Indonesia it self has a very long cultivation of honeybees exist, even hundreds of years ago when the Dutch colonial era.


In the world there are more than 20,000 species of honey bees, but  usually cultivated in Indonesia there are five species.

  1. Apis adreniformis
Apis andrenioformis bee species are native to Indonesia who build their nests in the open nature. Bees is mostly found in residential area and forests with a height of 500 meters above sea level. Apis andreniformis can be distinguished from other species Apis by recording a dark black color, making them the darkest of their genus.

2.    Apis cerana
Apis cerana is native bees asia which spread from Afghanistan, China to Japan. Cerana bees often cultivated in Asia, including in Indonesia. How to grow it some still traditional in the cavity wood, bamboo basket, walls of caves and crevices of the home.

3.    Apis dorsata
Apis dorsata is a species of honey bees most of his size. This species only grows in area of ​​subtropical and tropical Asia such as Indonesia, the Philippines and there are no outside asia. Apis dorsata honey being hunted and trafficked by the population as wild honey. This bee honey production reached ten kilograms of honey a good nesting season.

4.    Apis florea
Apis florea is a honey bee species is the smallest body size. These bees are in Oman, Iran, India and Indonesia. The bees normally live at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Honey bees are rarely crystallized and contains higher levels of dextrin other than the honey bee. Production of honey bee florea about 1-3 kg per colony each year.

5.    Apis Mellifera
Apis melifera honey bees is the most widely cultivated for the production of honey and high adaptability. Regional bee in cold climates is not aggressive and less likely to migrate namu sensitive to the statement,.


A.   How to Breed Bee
1 .Making a cage bees ( stup )
raw materials bees making home from planks firm that can keep that temperature in stup stable and dadpt protect against climate change as the rain, heat, and wind .Then stup put up trees or nailed on the beam kay somewhat high .The size of the box bees ideal now is as follows:
a. the bees
- a long = 34,0 cm
- wide = 18,0 cm
- high = 7,5 cm
- thick plank = 1,5 cm
b. frame (Points strokes Honey / frame )
- The length of the top of the bulge = 43,0 cm
- long the bottom = 30,0 cm
- wide = 2,0 cm high = 13.0 cm
- Thick wood hanger = 1,5 cm
- thick wood amplifier = 0,5 cm ~

2 .A nursery
  1. the selection of seeds and prospective parent
seeds bees excel in indonesia there are two types of apis cerana namely local and apis mellifera (imports). A superior kind of election is aimed to make in a colony of bees can maximum production . A queen. Cerana able to spawn 500- 900 grains per day and queen of a . Mellifera able to spawn 1500 grains per day .To get seeds superior is now can be bought , that is generally available three packages , namely:
- queen package consisted of 1 the queen with her 5 worker bees .
- package consisted of 1 the queen with her 10,000 worker bees .
- 3 package consists of 1 queen and 10,000 worker bees nest complete with 3 strokes

b. Seed care and prospective parent
the bees which just bought treated special. One day after bought, queen issued and put into stup that was set. During the six days the bees can not be bothered because it is still in a period of adaptation so it is more sensitive to unfavorable environment. Then can be delivered to care and routine maintenance .
C. Pemuliabiakan system
pemuliabiakan on bees is to create new queen in order to develop the colony. How that is commonly done is to manufacture artificial bowl for queen candidates are placed in the tooth.

3.Reproduction and marriage
Instrument reproduction worker bees of sex neither too diversified so that does not function, while instrument reproduction developing bees queen perfect and serves to reproduction.The process of marriage happened started the flowers. Queen bees fly out nests followed by all stud that will or. Marriage occurs in the air, after marriage stud will die and sperm it is stored in spermatheca (sacsperm) located on the queen of bees but indeed back to the nest. During marriage worker bees prepared a nest to queen spawn.
4.The process hatching after mating
After mating, the queen bee will surround the nest to look for cells that are still vacant in the tooth. A single egg laid at the base cells. Tube cells that have been containing the eggs are about to filled honey and pollen by worker bees and having a full will be closed a thin layer will penetrated by the inhabitants of the adult. To remove a eggs it took about 0.5 minutes, after removing the 30 egg, queen going to rest 6 seconds to eat. Honeybees is insect with 4 levels life that is eggs, larvae, the pupa and an adult insect. In every level being different a time that varied. The average time the development of bees.
A. bees queen, hatch 3 days, larvae 5 days, formed thread cover 1 day, to rest 2 days, change larvae so the pupa 1 day, the pupa / a cocoon 3 days, total time so bees 15 days.

B. worker bees: hatch 3 days, larvae 5 days, formed thread cover 2 days, to rest 3 days, Change larvae so the pupa 1 day , the pupa / a cocoon 7 days , total time so bees 21 days .

C. bees stud: hatch 3 days , larvae six days , formed thread cover 3 days , iatirahat four days , change larvae so the pupa 1 day , the pupa / a cocoon 7 days , total time so bees 24 days. During in the period larvae , larvae in a tube shall eat honey and pollen much .This period called the active , then a larva into chrysalis ( the pupa ) .In the a cocoon bees do not eat and drink , in the this is happening change in the body the pupa to into a perfect .After perfect bees will out cells into a young in accordance origin of his cell.

5.Maintenance home
a. Sanitation bees on cultivation
honeybees farmers to be diligent check , keeping and cleaning bagian-bagian stup like cleansing stup basis of the existing, prevent ants/ insects in by giving tatakan water on foot stup and prevent a bully .
b. The feed
the way of feed bees is by raising bees into a place where many flowers. So adapted to the existing flowers .In grazing what deserves consideration is:
-  displacement location is night when bees inactive
-  if remotely need extra food ( artificial ) .
-  gap between the minimum grazing 3 miles .
-  the acreage , the types of crops flowering and the flowers .


A.      The use of be for human

From around 20.000 species of bees, honey bees that have the most benefit for humans because honey bees can produce a variety of products that can be utilized for food, herbs even cosmetics such as honey, propolis, royal jelly, pollen and apitoxin.
Honey is a resembles a liquid sirup feel sweet and is the main product of honey bees. Since ancient times the honey has been utilized by humans, the at the time Egyptians using honey as an ingredient blend to preserved mortal remains King. Since that moment the honey known as food, herbs, drinks even for beauty. Following being decomposed honey benefits
1. Honey as herbs
Honey had the water content, carbohydrates, vitamins such as vitamin B and C, minerals such as calcium, iron, and sodiumyang beneficial and widely used as herbs variety maam disease since 2500 years ago. Honey can cure a variety of disease as
a)    Overcoming Sleep Disorders
Honey has properties similar to sugar, which can cause a rise in insulin and release serotonin to improve mood and happiness. Honey contains amino acids, including tryptophan which is then converted into serotonin and then to melatonin.
According to Rene Ficek, dietitian and nutritionist dietician in Seattle Sutton Healthy Eating in Chicago, Illinois states that the body converts serotonin into melatonin, the chemical that can regulate the quality of sleep.
b)    Eliminating Dandruff
According to a study published European Journal of Medical Research in 2001 claimed that the use of honey diluted with warm water on the scalp area, can help relieve the itching caused by dandruff and hair loss. Antibacterial and antifungal properties contained in honey can also be overcome interference seborrheic dermatitis. Anti-inflammatory properties in honey can overcome redness and itching, itching of the scalp.

c)    to relieve cough

 Honey contain more than 181 nutrition and antioxidant, nourishing substances as antimicrobial. substances that cause enough honey
to relieve sore throat and cough effectively. Besides honey can also be superimposed on the throat and trigger the swallowing mechanism to reduce pain throat seconds. Berikur are examples of products oabta cough ardiovasular disease, cough, tipus, disease tenggorokan, diabetes and others.

2. Honey as food
 The honey is usually used in the feed mixture to replace sugar. sugar replaced by honey because honey nutritional content and the taste of a pas. Honey which is usually as mixed food Fortune pure honey. examples of pure honey product was honey.


3. Honey as a drink

In each tablespoon of honey, there are about 17 grams of carbohydrates that will be processed into fructose and glucose that can be absorbed by the blood to be able to give you a boost of energy quickly. The increase in blood sugar acts as a source of short-term energy to produce higher durability. Therefore honey many drink by athletes to increase their stamina as honey nutritional content to stamina. Honey who usually consumed is pure honey. the following example pure honey products.

4. Honey is used as a beauty product

Honey is the manufacture of cosmetics since many years. In addition to its soft texture, honey also contains a variety of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and potassium. The content of these nutrients utilized in the manufacture of a wide variety of cosmetic products such as moisturizers, toners, and masks.
 The following example the benefits of honey for beauty:
• Protect Skin
• Damper on skin
• Prevention of Aging skin
• Preserve the Beauty of the skin
• Cleanse the skin
That is example of beauty produk containing honey


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